"Priazov`e Cup" Contest Rules. |
Organizer: Radio Club "MARRAD" Mariupol city, Ukraine.
Start: 7.12.2007
20:00 GMT Friday |
Finish: 8.12.2007
01:59 GMT Saturday |
Short information about contest:
Award |
"Priazov`e Cup" - international Contest, traditional pursue
in Friday-Saturday first full week of December, every year from 2002 (in 2007 - 7-8 December)...
From 2005 in this Contest pursue also a separate VHF round on 145 MHz...
Welcome all contestmanns to our Contest...
Modes: CW,SSB,FM.
Bands: 160 m, 80 m and 2 m.
- VHF round |
- CW,SSB,FM: |
20:00 - 21:59 GMT Friday |
- I HF round |
- SSB: |
22:00 - 23:59 GMT Friday |
- II HF round |
- CW : |
00:00 - 01:59 GMT Saturday |
VHF round :
VHF round pursue Friday at 20:00 to 21:59 UTC.
Round consist of 6 mini-rounds at 20 minutes.
In each mini-round with one station valid contacts in different Modes, no limit QSO time.
Maximal divergence QSO time - 2 minutes.
145 MHz.
MOSB-2M-MIX - (Multi operators - 2m - All modes MIX(CW/SSB/FM).
SOSB-2M-MIX - (Single operator - 2m - All modes MIX(CW/SSB/FM).
SOSB-2M-FM - (Single operator - 2m - FM).
Exchange numbers consist of RS(T), 3-digit QSO number, starting with 001,
and QTH-loc. (in HF round - same separate QSO numbers).
QSO Points:
In VHF round each 1km distance = 1 Points, QSO with some QTH-loc - 5 Points.
Final Score:
The final score = total QSO points + sum of QTH-loc points.
The final score in VHF and HF round count separate (as separate Contests)
Winner, score 1-3 places, awarded "Priazov`e-II" or "Priazov`e-I" Award`s.
HF round :
HF round consist of 2 rounds:
- first round: SSB Friday at 22:00 to 23:59 UTC;
- second round: CW Saturday at 00:00 to 01:59 UTC.
160m & 80m.
1. Multi operators:
MOMB - (Multi operators, one transmitter - two bands: 160m,80m - CW/SSB);
2. Single operator:
SOMB - (Single operator - two bands: 160m,80m - MIX (CW&SSB); |
SOMB - (Single operator - two bands: 160m,80m - SSB); |
SOMB - (Single operator - two bands: 160m,80m - CW); |
SOSB - (Single operator - one band: 160m - MIX); |
SOSB - (Single operator - one band: 80m - MIX); |
SOSB - (Single operator - one band: 160m - SSB); |
SOSB - (Single operator - one band: 80m - SSB); |
SOSB - (Single operator - one band: 160m - CW); |
SOSB - (Single operator - one band: 80m - CW); |
Each round consist of 4 different mini-round at 30 minutes.
Exchange QSO numbers sum total in all 8 HF mini-rounds
(in VHF round - same separate QSO numbers).
In each 30-min HF mini-round valid QSO`s with one station in 2 different Modes and 2 different Bands (Total 4 QSO`s: 160m - CW,SSB; 80m - CW,SSB).
Bands change NOT limited, still using "5 minute" rule
(start time will be determined on the first QSO made on that particular band).
Maximal divergence QSO time - 2 minutes.
CW QSO in SSB-frequences prohibition.
Prohibition work at the same time with two and more signals (one transmitter only!).
Ukrainian stations : 5-digit : 2-digit oblast code (Example: DO - Donetskaya obl., ZP - Zaporozhskaya obl.)
+ 3-digit QSO number, starting with 001.
Non Ukrainian stations : 2-digit country code (Example: Krasnodarsky - KD, Voronezhskaya obl. - VV, Komi Rep. - KM, Moldova - ER,
Lithuania - LY, Latvia - YL, Estonia - ES) + 3-digit QSO number, starting with 001.
(in VHF round - same separate QSO numbers).
QSO Points:
Each QSO = 2 Points, new oblast and country - 10 Points, in each band and in each round.
Final Score:
The final score = total QSO points + sum of your oblast and country points.
The final score in HF and VHF round count separate (as separate Contests)
Winner, score 1-3 places, awarded "Priazov`e-II" or "Priazov`e-I" Award`s.
Log Submission Requirements:
We need electronics logs!
Time UTC.
The hand-written log can be made in chronological order or have separate sheet for each band.
Need contain: callsign, class, full name and addresse.
Each QSO must contain callsign, time UTC, band, RS(RST), exchange number (both sent and received - even for check logs).
In SOAPBOX contain: age.
Valid electronics or paper logs.
TR4W Logger in "Priazovie Cup":
TR4W Logger module by UR7QM for HF tours "Priazovie Cup" (zip 8K)
Log Submission Addresses:
via E-mail:
or paper Logs via Addresse:
Council of RC "MARRAD".
"MARRAD Web Page"
Design US-I-666 |
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