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Kalimiusskaya Palanka Award |
| The Kalimiusskaya Palanka Award is given for undertaking QSO (SWL) with amateur radiostations of the city Mariupolya and Doneckoy area. The Avateur radio operator is from Ukraine necessary to take 500 spectacleses for radio communication with avateur radio operator Doneckoy area. Without fall necessary to conduct 5 QSO (SWL) with city Mariupoli. The Competitor is from Europe necessary to conduct 3 QSO (SWL) with Mariupol city. The Competitor is from the other continent necessary to conduct 1 QSO (SWL) with city Mariupoli. Each radio communication with the individual radio station gives 10 spectacleses, but with collective radio station 20 spectacleses. Zaschityvayutsya QSO (SWL), as from 01.01.1994 (the date of the creation radioclub MARRAD) on any amateur range, any type of the radiation. The Repeated QSO (SWL) does not valid. The Cost of the diploma for competitors of the Ukraine equivalent 1 USD (2 IRC), for competitors of the countries C.I.S. equivalent 2 USD (4 IRC). The Demand notorized signature two avateur radio operators or seal local radioclub, in place with receipt of the payment of the award to direct to: SHOL IVAN IVANOVITCH, P.O.BOX 75, MARIUPOL-12, UKRAINE, 87512. 110 burning years Award |
| The 110 burning years Award are given for undertaking QSO (SWL) with avateur radio operator working at combine im.Iliicha, affiliated enterprise (p.Donskoe Doneckoy area, Komsomol rudoupravlenie Doneckoy area, OAO Karaniskiy quarry p.Karani Doneckoy area, OAO Umanifermash g.Umani Sumskoy area, Ukrmehanobr g.The Crooked Horn Dnepropetrovskoy area, SKOK Ay Danili Republic Cream, Agroceha Doneckoy, Zaporozhskoy, Republics Cream) and city Mariupolya. The Competitor is from Ukraine necessary to take 110 spectacleses. Each QSO (SWL) with avateur radio operator working at combine gives 10 spectacleses, on affiliated enterprise 5 spectacleses, city Mariupoli 3 points. With collective radio station UT2IWT, UT3IWW, UR4IWF, UX8IXX 15 spectacleses. Without fall conduct not less 3 QSO (SWL) with workman of the combine, competitor from Europe necessary to conduct 2 QSO (SWL), from the other continent 1 QSO (SWL). Zaschityvayutsya QSO (SWL), as from 01.01.1994 (the date of the creation radioclub MARRAD) on any amateur range, any type of the radiation. The Repeated QSO (SWL) does not valid. The Cost of the diploma for competitors of the Ukraine equivalent 1 USD (2 IRC), for competitors of the countries C.I.S. equivalent 2 USD (4 IRC). Demand notorized signature two avateur radio operators or seal local radioclub, in place with receipt of the payment of the award to direct to: SHOL IVAN IVANOVITCH, P.O.BOX 75, MARIUPOL-12, UKRAINE, 87512.
"MARRAD Web Page"
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